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Magee High School Receives F Rating

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The 2019 School Accountability Results (test scores) were released Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 2 PM. Test scores were presented to the Commission on School Accreditation (CSA) Tuesday.

The results posted Tuesday, September 17, 2019 are unofficial. The accountability results will become official after Mississippi State Board of Education’s approval on Thursday, September 19, 2019.

The over all district grade improved from a D to a C with a 54 point improvement over the 2018 scores. District scores for 2018 was 511 and the scores for 2019 is 565.

The only school in the district to receive a F rating was Magee High School.  In 2018, Magee High School was rated a D school (528 points). In 2019, Magee High School failed 19 points  to 509 points resulting in a F rating. In 2017, Magee High School was a C rated school.

Mendenhall High School remained a D rating with a decrease in score of 7 points.

The school with the most improvement was Mendenhall Junior High.  In 2018, Mendenhall Junior High was rated an F school.  In 2019, Mendenhall Junior High improved 63 points.  Although Mendenhall Junior High received a D rating, the school was only 3 points from a C rating.

Magee Middle School remained a D rating but showed improvement of 20 points.

The district has three schools with a B rating:

Mendenhall Elementary received the next highest improvement in points in the district   with a 60 point improvement.

Simpson County School District showed improvement in elementary and middle schools.  Magee High School and Mendenhall High School crippled the over all district rating with their poor scores.





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