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The Scriptural passage chosen for today is found in Job 26:7: "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space;...
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In my opinion Magee alderman, have turned a long time ago into a political fiasco (Joke) because it pays upwards of $1200 per month with insurance and retirement for a meeting that last one hour, that’s $ 600 per hour they are paid to make decisions that some may not like!!!!! under a democracy, now it seems to me under following what they vote on is to keep the public quite, as
long as Lane Steel is making the decisions for the city. “good way to make jimmy Clyde without a vote” who is our mayor? they can take Stacey Brodhead offer to deed to the city to maintain a road, but Jimmy Clyde says they don’t have money too widen Goodwater road as to provide a good safe passage for buses etc.. to provide passage for 2 way traffic on a road that has already been done from the comprehensive passage for an main artery passage, its time to vote out Lane Steel, for he is running the city because Jimmie Clyde doesn’t have the guts to do what’s right for ALL the citizens that vote, or not vote for him and the alderman, for they have conceded for Old Magee and old 49 that did not vote for them.Its time to vote out all of them until they represent just the city limits that voted for or against them. Wake up Magee city limits you do have a vote in 2016 to stop this cronyism that goes on in Simpson county and in Magee, in general before the town that we love is only rental, And the ones of us that have invested in the growth of Magee that have been ignored, have a stake in getting things done right instead of a lobbying few that want to control everything that goes on despite
Jimmy Clyde
I firmly agree our mayor is a good Christian man that wants to do what’s right
but so was Jimmy Carter