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Highlights of the July 3, 2018, Magee Board of Alderman meeting are as follows:
Rev. Gary Meadows, pastor of First Pentecostal Church, began the meeting by leading the opening prayer.
During the Mayor comments, Mayor Berry announced there has been an increase of 7k tax revenue brought into the city. Mayor Berry commented on how well the paving project looked. Points were made on the MML convention recently held on the coast.
Parade request for July 7th was approved for the Old Goodwater McLaurin Attendance Center.
During the Public Comments, Cliff Brown, Candidate for State Representative for District 77, spoke.
Resignation of Judge Eugene Knight was approved.
Salary and job description of Municipal Judge and Public Defender were discussed.
Fireworks ends at 10pm. If you hear fireworks after 10pm you may call Magee PD.
You may now go to the Splash Pad for FREE for the rest of this year. Cost will be discussed later.
Farmers Market is doing very well.
Golf Cart Ordinance was discussed. Golf Carts are not allowed on state roads. Board will present a list of state roads in a future meeting.
Donnie Caughman spoke on Simpson County Economic Development. Donnie stated there is nothing going on right now.
According to Magee Mayor Dale Berry, he is discussing with Mendenhall Mayor Todd Booth about liquor sales for the county. Mayor Berry received the alderman’s blessings on pursuing having the liquor sales on a ballot for the citizens to vote. This vote could come as early as November election.
During executive session, Witt Fortenberry was approved as Public Defender and Reggie Blackledge was approved as Justice Court Judge.
You may watch the video below.