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Grayson Seghini is the face of “Tiger Talk” a new live “talk spot” sponsored by Peoples Bank.
Grayson will be interviewing “all things” about Mendenhall. His videos will be posted on Face Book page live.
“I’ve always wanted to be a sports announcer…and Mr. Jonathan Graham told me to go talk to Miss Sue @MageeNews and see what could happen.”….and happen it did. When Sue and Grayson started brainstorming the ideas were flying and “Tiger Talk” was born.
“I will be covering events and people during the entire school year,” stated Seghini. Anyone who would like to be interviewed by Grayson needs to contact Grayson trough Face book are send an email to
“I think Grayson’s idea is great…you know I am all about trying new stuff,” Miss Sue added.
We are working on Grayson live streaming some of Mendenhall’s football games…home and away…and maybe basketball and band concerts. “I’m not sure I can handle an entire broadcast, but I am sure willing to try,” Grayson said.
One of the goals of has always been to give an opportunity to students to learn more about the internet and how to use the internet in marketing. “The fields are ripe with ideas….just waiting for the picking…let’s do this!’ said Miss Sue.
Tune into fB page to view the videos live. Videos will also be available on website.
Grayson is a senior at Mendenhall High School
Listen for the roar…..