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Hugh Dilmore is the new Building Inspector/Superintendent for the City of Magee. Nevis Rankin, long time city employee, is retiring in January. Hugh has been hired to fill the position.
Hugh told me before the interview that Nevis Rankin knows more about this city than anyone—and Nevis can not be easily replaced. But, I can tell you this—Hugh is willing to try.
Hugh comes to the City following many many years in the oil industry. Before retirement, he was managing 49 men!
Having new “eyes” on a project brings fresh ideas to the table.
Hugh hopes to go to a 4 day week with garbage pick up. Now, don’t get worried, we will still have 2 days a week of pick up. Dilmore would like to see the garbage pick up Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday leaving Friday for other project. The garbage detail consists of six people. If we had 6 people available for an entire day…just think what could get accomplished.
Hugh is complimentary of his team. He stated that all the guys work well together and are knowledgeable about their jobs.
Hugh encourages the public to contact him by text (give your name, address, and nature of the problem) 601-765-7337. If you are not a “texter,” call City Hall and report the problem. Hugh picks up messages from City Hall once a day. He does not answer phone calls from unfamiliar numbers.
What can we do to help our new superintendent?
Garbage—don’t fill bags over 25 lbs.; put a hole in the bottom of your trash can so rain water will drain; do not put loose trash in the can
Problems with dogs—call the PD or text Hugh. Presently, Magee does not have a Dog Catcher but one is to be hired soon.
You see a problem—report the problem.
Don’t liter! Encourage members of your family not to liter. If you see liter near your home, pick it up.
All City officials need our support just as Hugh does.
Hope you have time to listen to the short interview.
(Sue note: Hugh is probably going to be sorry he gave me his number! My “eyes” are always looking!)
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