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Our reading today comes from Exodus 3:2. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto Him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. And he looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed.
God called Moses through a burning bush to lead the children of Egypt out of bondage and into a land flowing with milk and honey. The children of Israel complained about everything. Their need was always supplied. They wanted to know who was leading them. God told Moses to tell them the Great I Am was leading them.
How is God calling you? Is He calling you through someone else or in a still small voice. God wants you to take up your cross and follow Him. Victory can be yours by faith. Victory is when you change. Some people make look like they are the scum of the earth but their heart may be the cleanest of all. God wants us to have a clean heart, right spirit, and positive attitude.
The only thing that counts is what we do this side of Heaven in serving God. God wants us to repent, deny yourself, take up our cross, be filled with the Holy Ghost, follow Jesus and serve Him. God wants to reshape our life for the use of God. When we fail God is there to pick us up. A small voice calls us to a new beginning. When God really touches us the hunger for the world is truly gone.
Have a blessed, wonderful, and victorious week.
Magee, MS