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The Scriptural passage selected for today is found in Mark 11:25: “When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in Heaven may forgive you your sins.” The early Christian writer wanted those who had been saved by accepting Christ as their Savior to know that their prayer life was extremely important. It is the Christian’s direct line of communication with God. Keeping that line open and free-flowing is very important; however, holding grudges has a tendency to clog that line of communication. If we wish for God to grant our petitions, it’s very important that our hearts are free of worldly confusion and human conflict. This puts our spirit in sync with God’s. Is that not what we desire when speaking to and with God? Let us have clean hearts and speech anytime we approach the throne of God through prayer. Let us remember that we are forgiven in the same measure as we forgive. Amen! is the online news source for Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the state of Mississippi.