Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward a small commission – at no extra cost to you. turns 12 today, March 4th! I can’t believe it has been 12 years that I have been pecking at this computer spouting my thoughts and findings to the public.
Many of you know the story of MageeNews, but for the ones who don’t…here goes!
While in my twenties, I began writing a newsletter for our Mission church group, the Baptist Young Women. (Thus BYW). I would tell my friends all the local news and what was going on in everyone’s family. In 2001, I received a computer thanks to Gail and Arnold Hederman. At that time, I began a ‘blog” through email called Message from the prez. I wrote about what I saw when I went to town, who died, who had a baby, just the happenings of our area. Soon, I had over 500 people on the email list which began showing up as spam and not allowing people to receive my emails. Tommy and Tawesia Meador’s son Ty came and talked with me about the problem. Ty said, “Miss Sue, you’ve got to start a website!” Well, I quickly informed Ty I did not even know how to use Word and what made him think I had enough sense to even began to know what to do with a website. (I suffered a stroke just a few months before I went “live” with MageeNews.). Ty promised me, “we will build it and you will learn it!” The rest my friends is history. From that newsletter website grew a company that now has hundreds of thousands of hits and visit per day. We soon moved into filming which allowed the coverage of football, basketball, and baseball games. Live interviews soon became a large part of MageeNews. Our very first “home” page featured Michael Dunn receiving the Spirit of Magee award at the Chamber of Commerce banquet.
I love MageeNews…but most of all I love Magee and our readers! We realized Social media was the future in news and moved forward. I have had wonderful people who have worked with me! (No one works for me…only with me!). Charlie Neely White has been a part of the team the longest. Presently, Patrice Boykin, Zach Holbrook, and Chuck Akers are pushing us forward.
Some changes the times bring, I like…some I don’t, but I have strived to stay true to putting a positive light on Magee even if I have to “call someone out” to get that light shining!
Each year brings change. I just hope we can all meet these positive changes together!
I would love to hear from our readers when you began reading MageeNews. Do we have any 12 year people out there???
Again, thank you for your support of