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February 3, 2025 Simpson County Board of Supervisors

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The February 3, 2025, Simpson County Board of Supervisors Meeting was called to order by Board President Danny Craft.  Charles Savell led in prayers followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chancery Clerk Tim Gray presented the January 24, 2025, minutes for approval.  The motion passed.

Mark McDonald, county resident, appeared before the board requesting information on who owns a parcel of land formerly used as a voting precinct.  The land, which was originally owned by Bethlehem Baptist Church,   was deeded to the county for use as a voting prescient-Fork Church.   Attorney Danny Welch explained to Mr. McDonald that his question is between him and the church; therefore, he will need to work with an attorney to sort out the problem.  Mr. McDonald is unsure of his boundary lines.

Sheriff Agenda:


All items were approved.

Tax assessor Jamie Brewer presented the surrendered tag list for January.  Solid waste report was approved.

County Administrator gave the following report:


Booker T. Woodard, county resident, updated the board on the 2024 Agriculture Conservation project.

Strong River Bridge to be Closed for 2 years

A discussion of the closing of the Strong River bridge, which is controlled by MDOT, informed the public the closing will most likely take place in the fall.  The bridge will be closed for two years.  The Supervisors expressed concern for our county roads as main routes are closed in the county causing heavy trucks and additional traffic.

“The heavy trucks will tear up our roads and bridges,” stated Donny Welch.  The Supervisors discussed a possible weight limit on bridges in the county.  The situation is under study by the County engineer and the Board of Supervisors.





The Board adjourned into Executive Session.







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