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FCCLA Makes Donation to Band

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Mendenhall High School FCCLA made a donation to the band during Thursday, April 12, 2018 School Board Meeting. Sandra Jager, sponsor of FCCLA presented Jeffery Walker with a check to build a sidewalk leading to band hall at Mendenhall High School.

Mendenhall High School Archery State Championship Trophy was on display.  Mendenhall Archery will compete in national competition, May 11-13, 2018 in Louisville, KY.  All expenses for the trip  will be paid form archery funds.  Permission to travel was granted by the School Board. During the meeting, Superintendent Greg Paes, announced Mendenhall Junior High and Simpson Central both won state in Archery earlier in the day.

The following travels consents were approved. Stanford Speech and Ishmel Lockhart requested permission to attend the Nike Championship Clinic, May 4-6, 2018 in Biloxi, MS. Permission was granted. The trip is paid for through athletic funds. Jada Deal and students from Magee Middle School requested permission to travel to Desoto Caverns in Childersburg, AL, May 21, 2018.  The action was approved and paid for though student funds.  Mendenhall High School FFA requested permission to attend the FFA Sate Convention, June 4-6, 2018 in Starkville, MS. Permission was approved.  The trip is paid for through FFA and Student funded. Greg Paes request permission to attend the 2018 Summer MASS Conference, July 8-13-2018 in Biloxi, MS. Permission was granted and is paid for by District funds. Debbie Davis and Misty Hanna request permission to attend the 2018 MASS Summer Conference for Alliance Members, July 10-13, 2018. Permission was granted and is paid for with district and federal funds. Kim Holloway request permission to attend the Bridging the Gap Symposium, May 22-26, 2018 in Washington DC. Permission was granted and is paid for through federal funds.

In Human Resources, the following resignations were approved:  Lauren Hayes, teacher at Magee Middle School, Karen Williamson, teacher at Magee High School, Mae Moore, teacher at Mendenhall Junior High, Joyce McGrew, Cafteria Worker at Magee High and Nora Lisa Jackson, Bus Driver.

William Clark, bus driver at Magee, was reassigned to Jackson route replacing Nora Lisa Jackson.  Transfer Terrell Luckey, Principal at Magee Middle to Principal at Achievement Center.

Approval to hire Farrah Norwood as a Vocational Shuttle bus driver and employ Kella Barett as a Bus Driver 4, and employ Arthur Langston as a Cafeteria Manger at Mendenhall Elementary. Employ Sydney Magee as Principal, replacing Kirby Craft, at Mendenhall Junior High.

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