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Farewell to Seniors from Pamela Rodgers

Magee Class of 2020

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To: My Seniors


Congratulations Class of 2020!  You have persevered.  You have overcome.  And, you are here. 

From the very beginning, I was told “watch out for ‘that’ class.”   And, I have.  I have watched you grow.  I have watched you succeed.  And, I have even watched you be defeated but only to rise up to try again.

Never forget your worth.  Your value does not lie in your accomplishments, but in your character and integrity.  The way you treat others, despite the way they treat you, shows your strength.  The way you continue to persevere despite the obstacles you face defines you.  Your character will be tested, and when it is, remember who you are and where you come from.  You are a Trojan.  You have a determination and energy that defies the limits of possibilities. I want you to never stop believing in yourself.  Never stop reaching for the impossible.  Remember you are my students, and I know each of you are capable of greatness, and you have the opportunity to achieve greatness daily.  Remember, though, that each one of us will define greatness differently, and that is ok.  It is ok to try and fail, but it is not ok to never try.   

You are my students; you are my kiddos; and now and forevermore, you are my family.  So, as you go forth and conquer, remember to honor your dad with hard work, remember to call home and to talk to your mom, and remember to call me, because we want to hear your amazing adventures, failures, and successes.  But, most importantly, remember we love you.  

Written by Pamela Rodgers


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