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F. J. Dickey Fire Department Scholarship Awarded to 4 Seniors

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The Magee Fire Department awarded four $1,000 scholarships to local students.

The scholarships are named in memory of long time Fire Chief F. J. Dickey (everyone called him Dickey) who died of cancer at the age of 55 while chief of the department.

Winners of this year’s scholarships are: Molly Berch (Simpson Academy), Michael Allan (Magee High School), Dylan McClellan (Magee High School) and John Valadie (Lawrence County High School). Michael and Dylan’s fathers are members of the Magee Fire Department. John’s dad is the Magee Fire Marshal.

A committee of fireman make the selection of the recipients. Magee High School and Simpson Academy are asked by the fire department to submit a list of names the schools believe would be candidates for the F. J. Dickey Scholarship. Children of fireman automatically receive a scholarship but scholarships are available for students with no ties to the fire department.

Following the death of Mr. Dickey in 1971, the Magee firemen were determined to keep his memory alive. The present fire station was built and dedicated in Dickey’s name. This close knit group of guys were not satisfied with just naming a building for their former fire chief, they wanted to make a difference in lives…just as he had.

Seed money was planted establishing the F. J. Dickey Scholarship. The first scholarship was for $200 and at that time scholarships were not given to firemen’s children…just one scholarship at Magee High School. Later, the department added a scholarship at Simpson Academy. The “younger” or “newer” firemen never knew Dickey, but they heard the stories and felt the call to keep and grow the scholarship fund.

For over forty years, scholarships have been awarded to students. Just this year (2016) $5,000 in scholarships were given by the Magee Fire Department.

Many of you know that F. J. Dickey was my father. He was a gentle giant of a man who always had a heart and awareness of the “underdog.” When I was growing up and attending Magee High School, cokes were 10 cents (boy, am I showing my age!). My daddy told me I had to take an extra dime to school every day and buy a coke for someone who did not have the money to purchase a drink. I thought that was so weird…but he had been that person who didn’t have money for even a coke…he had been that person who had walked miles to school…he had been that person who went to college on athletic scholarships…he had been that person who had fought in the war serving on a Navy fire-fighting ship…he had been that person that others helped him succeed…and he never forgot those feelings.

While in the Navy he learned his firefighting skills and brought them back to the town that would become his home. Although my daddy grew up in Lucien in Franklin County…soon Magee became his home. Joining in partnership with his father-in-law’s business, Horn Brothers, the business soon became Horn and Dickey’s and then later Dickeys. The Horn/Dickey business operated on Main Street Magee for 65 years.

Active in his church and many civic clubs, the fire department was always “his baby.”

F. J. Dickey served as fire chief until his death touching and changing lives forever.

These scholarships are given in recognition and memory of a man who strived to be the best…finding the potential in others…and loving his family and friends. What better way than to honor a man who believed in education than with scholarships.

Lane Steele, the present Fire Chief, spoke of the money given in the past 40 years to assist in educating others. “Our guys appreciate what Mr. Dickey did…even though they did not know him…they work tireless to increase the scholarship fund in amount and numbers,” stated Steele. Numerous fund raisers are held throughout the year to continue to build the account.

I was blessed with a wonderful daddy…and I can just see him smiling down from heaven each time an award is given…he loved young people. One of my daddy’s many mottos was “If you can’t say something good about somebody don’t say anything at all.”…..he believed every person had worth…and education was the key to opening that door.

Congratulations to Molly, Michael, Dylan, and John…I know you will make my daddy proud!

(Sue Dickey Honea)


Pictured:  Aaron Burkett, Paul Johnson, Chris Tuggle, Weston Neely, David Craft, Charlie Valadie, Phillip Magee, Shane Little, B. J.Smith, Jimmy Lott, Phillip Allan, and Lane Steele

Kneeling:  John Valadie, Michael Allan, and Dylan McCellan

(not pictured:  Molly Berch)


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