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The Simpson County Election Commissioners met before the July 6, 2021 Board of Supervisors asking the Board to consider purchasing new equipment before the 2022 primary and general election. The voting machines in use were purchased in 2006 and are obsolete. Replacement parts are hard to find and not available any longer. Most counties are going to the new scanning procedure. The new system would intel a paper ballot. The voter would then scan the ballot and drop the paper ballot into a sealed container. Th scanners would help to improve any margin for errors and still leave a paper trail. The board took the information under advisement.

Dr. Toriano Holloway, Simpson County School’s New Superintendent, met before the board with his administrative team to introduce himself and advise the Board he will be bringing updates throughout the year of the schools progressions.

Buddy Wolverton, County Engineer, reported the status of State-Aid & LSSBP Projects as of June 30, 2021.
- Annual Maintenance Inspection of completed State Aid Projects
- June 22 – 23, 2021
- SAP-64(16)M – Surface Maintenance on Cato Road is at 27.41% completed with 15% Elapse time. The Contractor has completed the base repairs and leveling. Project will be resealed this year.
- SAP-64(19)S – Surface Maintenance on Mt. Zion to Shivers Road and St. Johns Road is at 36.72% completed with 21.82% Elapse time. The contractor has completed base repairs and leveling. Project will be resealed this spring.
- LSBP-64(23) – Bridge replacement on Sofa Road is 10% Completed with 15% Elapse time. Contractor has cleared and grubbed site installed silt fencing.
- SAP-64(64) – Grade, drain, base and surface for Star to Braxton Road is at the stage of working on assembly of P.S. & E to be mailed. Utility agreements have been mailed. The acquiring right of way can begin.
- LSBP-64(24) – Bridge Replacement Shorter Road – P.S.&E. Plans were mailed to State Aid on May 24, 2021.
Sheriff Paul Mullins was granted permission to apply for MLCOA Grant. The personnel issues were address. The board approved hiring Rebecca Hubbard non-certified and Debra Collins certified for the jail part-time.
Road Manager Ben Warren advised the board the crews are working on road projects but weather is a contributing factor. Warren asked the board to approve the hiring of Johnny Hobbs and Graves as CDL Drivers, Justin Brown – Laborer, and Tyrone Williams as part-time help. The Board approved the request.
Dr. Miller with ASAP gave the board an updated yearly report. ASAP received over 5,000 calls averaging 422 calls per month. Calls were at a good response time especially considering COVID. The Board approved starting A RFP to become an EMS District. Benefits of a EMS District are: Training and education, online medical control, quality assurance and district mechanism for additional grants.
The board approved a no protest resolution for the intent to issue Simpson County general obligation $6,235,00 road and bridge bonds with proof of publication.
The Board approved the intent resolution with AMB Building solutions, LLC for the energy savings upgrade project. Earl Byrd, with AMB, presented a slide show showing improvement at each building.

Jack Harris, with Fisher Brown Bottrell Insurance, met before the board and introduce himself asking for the consideration and the opportunity to help with future projects.
The board approved burial of a horse for Gregory and Sara Clark at 300 Scarbrough Road in Harrisville, Ms.
The board approved the interlocal agreement to Fly the County for the Tax Assessors office. The last photographs were done in 2013. New photographs are require every 10 years.
The following travel was approved:
- Eric Bowen to attend the NACO conference in Washington, DC July 9-12, 2021 with expenses to be reimbursed by the Miss Association of County Administrators and Comptrollers for Eric Brown term as the MACAC President.
- Approved for Witt Fortenberry, Circuit Clerk to attend the Mississippi Circuit Clerks Conference in Biloxi, MS July 21-23, 2021.
- Approved for Joyce Ann Hicks to attend the Mississippi Justice Court Clerks Association annual conference in Bay St. Louis, MS September 8-10, 2021.
- Approved for Constable Randall Coleman to attend the Mississippi Constables Association Board meeting in Bay St. Louis , MS July 30, 2021.
Future Board Meeting:
- Thursday, July 15, 2021 – Recessed Meeting
- Monday, August 2, 2021 – Regular Meeting
- Monday, August 16, 2021 – Recessed Meeting
- Tuesday, August 17, 2021 – Recessed budget work session
- Labor Day – September 6, 2021
A video of the meeting is attached below.
With no further business meeting was recessed until Thursday July 15, 2021. is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.
Correction: The voting machines presently in use by the Election Commission were purchased in 2006, not 2016.