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Thursday, December 8, 2016 Simpson County School Board meeting became a shock as one board member discussed his unhappiness and irritation with Magee Elementary. A request was asked for a back flow system to be installed to the Sprinkler system at the new elementary job site. The department of health water division requires that these systems be installed in case of a situation of a leak and the stagnant water possibly flowing back into the domestic water that is used for drinking water. A back flow system is already installed on the domestic water line of the system. Linda Curlee asked to table the vote until the board could get a better understanding of why this is necessary; JoAnna Maddox stated, “it was a request that was highly recommended and not a requirement.” But, according to Department of Health Bureau of Public Water Supply if the back flow is for the sprinkler system it is a requirement. After further investigation with the fire inspector and fire chief, all that is needed is a double check value in the mechanical room of the sprinkler system that runs approximately $1500-$2000.00, which is less than the $5,000 quoted during the board meeting. An email was sent to the contractor from the inspector giving this as a solution in August. Dale Shotts became aggravated and said “they had been gouged enough and not to install the system.” Mr. Shotts stated “they had paid $595,000 for a storm shelter that was a waste of taxpayer’s money in his opinion.” Mr. Shotts also went on to say “Don’t Shop Magee.”
The storm shelter has been a sore subject in many people’s eyes, but as one might say it is not important until it is needed. If a tornado was to take a path through the school location every parent, grandparent, friend, and spouse would want to know their loved ones were protected as much as possible. A prime example of not following codes is the situation in California where a warehouse caught fire lives were lost and the building was not up to codes. An organization, like the City of Magee, adopts their codes from the International Code Council, ICC, to make sure these type of instants are prevented. The price of the school has not gone up! The codes were in place before any bids were taken on the school. The architect admitted he overlooked the fact that a storm shelter was a code requirement. Some may question if the Architect failed to include the storm shelter in the plans why is the Architect firm not liable for the difference in the bid? Instead, some board members are blaming the City of Magee and their codes costing the county additional money. When the completion of the elementary school is done, Magee will have a state of the art elementary school, one the students, teacher, and community will be proud of. The decision was made to locate the school in the present place. Whether the location was a good decision or not, agree or disagree, the school is there and construction is well past the halfway point. School board member, Sammy Welch best stated this a couple of months ago. “He might have not agreed with the location of the school but it is what it is, and we must focus on the future of the kids and community.”
Mr. Shotts has been upset, but has the anger been in the right location? Has the board been receiving the correct information? Some of this anger needs to be at the architect and not city. Mr. Shotts is an elected official and to make a comment about “DON’T SHOP MAGEE,” when a large percentage of the taxes for schools in Simpson County comes straight from Magee is unacceptable. Members of the school board represent the whole county and not just one school or location.
Seriously an elected official is gonna act like a child and throw a temper tantrum. If you don’t like what’s going on be an adult about it voice your opinion without biting the hands that feed you. You forget sir the citizens of that city and the citizens of this county pay your salary. It’s very easy to make sure you don’t get office again by simply not voting for you. I think you at least owe the business owners of that city an apology for telling people not to shop Magee.
I think Mr Shotts should resign in disgrace from the school board as he clearly is not willing to represent “ALL” of simpson county. This is a insult to all the children in Simpson County.
To build a school in the path that a storm has hit twice was not a wise decision on the school boards behalf. Could have chosen s better location.
I too would not have chosen this location to build the new Elementary school simply because it is in a known Tornado path, however now that it is almost complete I am glad to know it has a Tornado shelter built to keep all the Children & Staff safe.