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The Simpson County Board of Supervisors met on February 13, 2015. At the meeting, County Administrator Rhuel Dickinson presented several items for the board’s approval.
First on the agenda was the adoption of an order to approve the Claims Docket of February 13, 2015, in the amount of $759,969.33 and the electronic payment claim for VISA in the amount of $863.27.
Next, the board authorized the January 2015 Completed Claims Docket to be made a part of the minutes, and the Board President signed it.
Approval of the Financial Reports and Solid Waste Reports for the month of January 2015, as presented by the County Administrator, was next on the agenda.
Dickinson asked the board to approve the holiday schedule for the Presidents’ Day Holiday for Monday, February 16, 2015, as provided by State Law.
Dickinson then asked the board to consider the request of the City of Magee for park maintenance funds budgeted in the amount of $10,000.
The board was asked to accept the approval of the lowest quotation in the amount of $13,311.00 from Mid-South Machinery, INC. for the repair of the Kobelco excavator/Trackhoe. The other quotations ranged from $17,524.21 to $24,300.00.
Dickinson asked the board to authorize the Purchase Clerk and County Administrator to approve the lowest and best bids for written quotations bids in accordance with Section 31-7-13(b).
Dickinson then asked the board to consider updating the Four Year Road Plan. The board said they would table the consideration and bring the plans up at the next board meeting.
Next was the approval of the one-year extension of contract with ABL Management, Inc. for food service in the Simpson County Jail in accordance with the original contract at no increase in price per meal.
Dickinson asked the board the approve the agreement with the City of Magee for the disposal and transportation of household solid waste.
Next on the agenda was the acceptance of the Donation of Flag Drop Box in the Courthouse. A.B. Rainey and Woodmen of the World donated the Flag Drop off Box.
Dickinson asked the board to approve the travel, registration, lodging, and mileage expenses for Wands Bridges, Election Commissioner, to attend the 2015 County Election Commissioner Certification Make-up session in Jackson, MS, on March 18 – 19, 2015.
The board was a asked to authorize the claims and immediate issuance of checks for Serve Plus Mississippi/Robert Abbott in the amount of $3,150.00 for Youth Court service, which is to replace claim #759 for $2,925.00.
Finally, Dickinson asked the board to acknowledge and record in the minutes the final approved grant agreement with the Pearl River Basin Development District for the grant to construct a pavilion for the Simpson County Harrisville Park. The D’Lo Water Park monthly report for January, 2015, and the Simpson County Park Commission Monthly Accounting reports for the months of November 2014 and December 2014 were presented to the board.
The board approved Dickinson’s agenda with non-opposed.