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Continued prayers for Rick Venable

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Rick and Katherine’s son, Jeff, wrote this update concering his dad.  We sure need to continue

prayers for the family.

“Thank you for all the prayers???. Good news after 9 days we are home and we are exhausted. Daddy had it in his mind that we were leaving today(really regardless of what the Dr said). Sooner rather than later. We are super thankful for all the doctors nurses therapists and staff that really went out of their way to make his stay the best they could. Continued prayers that his leg gets better and his strength does too. Been amazed at his focus and determination to work through all of this. Think we all breathed a sigh of relief when we got in the house. Still got another surgery ahead of us but this way we will at least know the ropes! Please keep my mom in your prayers too as she continues to take care of him!”  (Jeff Venable)

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