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Co-Lin Foundation Hall of Fame Inducts Twelve 

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 The Copiah-Lincoln Community College Foundation inducted 12 new members into its Hall of Fame at a banquet held May 20 at the Thames Center on the college’s Wesson Campus. Those inducted for the 2019 class pictured with Co-Lin President Dr. Jane Hulon Sims (left) were from left: Mary Jane James of McCall Creek, Deborah and Steven Ammann of Mendenhall, Don Underwood of Brookhaven, and the Gene Haas Foundation, represented by Hugh Sims. Not pictured was the Foundation for the Mid South.

Those inducted for the 2020 class pictured with Dr. Jane Hulon Sims (left) were from left: the Wesson Presbyterian Church, represented by Camille Johnston, Bill and Martha Salters of Natchez, Phillip and Lacey Wheeler of Meadville, 2ndChance Mississippi, represented by Catti Beals, and Peoples Bank, represented by Dennis Ammann. Not pictured were George T. Mercier of Wesson and G.T. Mercier III of Houston, Texas. is an online news source covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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