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• In 2001, James Williams III killed his father James Williams Jr. and his stepmother, Cindy Lassiter Mangum Williams. Their bodies were found a week later near Shiloh Park in Brandon, Miss.
• In 2005, James Williams III was convicted of both murders, and he was sentenced to two consecutive life terms with no possibility of parole. A change in the law allows him to be considered for parole.
• On April 15, 2023, Mrs. Williams sister, Brenda Rankin, received a letter from the parole board stating that James Williams III will be released for parole around May 16, 2023. Mrs. Williams’ family did not receive notification of the parole hearing, therefore no family members appeared before the parole board to protest his release.
• On April 23, 2023, the MS State Parole Board agreed to a conference telephone call with Cindy Williams’ family. During the call, the family again asked if they could have a face-to-face meeting with the board and they were told no. The family raised questions about the notification system used to alert families, the District Attorney’s Office, and the Sheriff’s Office of the parole hearing. They also asked for verification of the advertisement posting of the parole hearing. The response from the parole board was that they would try to get answers to the questions and get back with them. Additionally, the parole board said they would take their concerns under advisement and notify them of their response. No time frame was given for when to expect the answers to their questions and concerns.
• As of April 28,2023, the MS State Parole Board has not responded to the questions asked by Cindy William’s family. The Parole responded to the double murderer granting him a potential release date of May 16, 2023, just 48 hours after the parole hearing where the victim’s family were not present to protest his release. The family was not present because of lack of notification from the MS State Parole Board about the hearing. This is important to the victim’s family, and they have never failed to appear when notified.
• Join the family of Cindy Lassister Williams on Tuesday morning at 8am at the office of the Mississippi State Parole Board, 660 North State Street, #100a, Jackson, MS 39202 to protest the release of James Williams III, the convicted double murderer of James and Cindy Williams. Zeno Mangum, son of Cindy Williams asks you to “Be the Voice for Cindy Williams as our family asks for Justice for Cindy. It is not fair that James Williams does not have to fulfill the sentence given to him. Our family wants Justice for Cindy.”
If you have any questions, please contact Zeno Mangum at or 601-927-3642. We appreciate any help that you can give our family. is an online news website covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.
If he killed his own mom an dad when they release him he most likely will kill again. If he were black he would already be dead himself!!Keep him in the cage he belongs in.I feel that people that kill their own family would kill God if they could!!
Glad he gets to go home. I think he will do fine.
This is not right. My brothers killer in is prison on Kentucky and I will be going to his parole hearing …… Do not set him free ……. This family deserves Justice
Criminals have more rights than victims now days. They have nothing to fear because our so called Justice system just turns them loose. Parole Officers are a joke because they never follow up with the offenders. As long as they get their money they just don’t care. This guy will kill again if he’s released!!!
Perfect example of giving life sentences/no Parole , doesn’t work for the murdered , doesn’t work for families left with the loss . Prompt Execution 5 years or less no excuses , no exceptions . Murder rate will plummet .
He comitted a heinous crime. He had a fair trial. He should have to serve out the full sentence handed down by the jury.
Parole Board really dropped the ball on this!!! Get a good attorney!!!!