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The Simpson County School Board met for their regular meeting Thursday, May 12, 2023. Board Member Stan Bulger was not present and Board Member Lilly Hardy joined via zoom. Superintendent Dr. Toriano Holloway was not present due to a conflict with another event. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Deirdre Randall sat in for Dr. Holloway.
First order of business was the 16th Section Hunting & Fishing bid openings for the following sections:
- 16-1N-R4E – 614 acres
- 16-10N-R21W – 640 acres
- 16-2N-R5E – 640 acres
- 16-2NR6E & 21-2N-6E – 760 acres
See attached copies of bids. The board will take these under advisement.
All minutes, finances, and agenda was approved.
Innovative Teacher Awards were given to Stacy Dodd, Victoria Cox, Haley Middleton, Kaylee Lack, and Casey Harlan.

The top three from Magee High School and Mendenhall High were recognized during the board meeting. They are as follows:
Magee High School -Maci Parker, Valedictorian, Matthew Ehrgott, Salutatorian, and Gerson Martinez, Historian.
Mendenhall High School – Bayleigh Eubanks, Valedictorian, Peyton Eubanks, Salutatorian, and Mason Westmoreland, Historian.
The following Technical Students were honored for their achievement. They are as follows:
MS History Day State Contest – Garnet Gary and Ramdyn Patrick
MS FFA State Livestock Judging Contest – Mallory Duncan, Brason Fox, Kyle Hardacre, Jr, Anna Wester, and Ayden Wolken
2023 Future Farmers of America Central District Contest – Mallory Duncan and Halley Vanderschaaf
2023 FBLA State Leadership Conference – Xylan Cox and Carson Walker

The following consent agenda was approved.
- Asset Disposal Report
- Request to increase the cost of students’ full-priced meals by $0.05 effective July 1,
- Breakfast prices would increase from $1.50 to $1.55 and lunch prices would increase from $2.75 to $2.80. A discussion was held on the matter. All board members approved the increase with Board Member Ralph Walker opposing to the .05 increase. The increase is necessary due to the cost of supplies.
- Permission for Child Nutrition Department to apply for HSDA Food &Nutrition Service’s Healthy Meals Incentive Initiative Grant.
- Approval of Revised Procure!nent Plan for 2022-2023
- School Bus Turnaround requests for the following addresses.
- 1089 Dry Creek Road, Mendenhall
- 110 Beam Lane, Mendenhall
- Permission to accept McGraw Hill as sole source for complete program materials as published and provided under the McGraw Hill label and as found on This includes Hole’s Essentials of Anatomy &Physiology and Integrated Principles of Zoology.
- Approval of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Local Plan Application for FY 2024
- The board approved the following contracts, mou’s and/or terms of agreement:
- Bruckner’s Photography
- Accelerate MS Career Coach MOU’S for MeHS and MaHS
- Performance Therapy
- USM Dubard School for Language Disorders
- USM The Children’s Center for Communication and Development
- Marla Sumrall—Psychometric testing &Gifted evaluations
- Madelyn Harris-Psychometric testing &Gifted evaluations
- Misty Garner-Psychometric testing &Gifted evaluations
The board approve the hunting and fishing bids opened at the April 13th meeting as follows:
16-10N-20W ٠1 6 – 1 Ν – 6 Ε
1 6 – 1 0 N – 1 9 WMichael Senac, replacing former leaseholder Todd Hollingsworth, matched high bid
Martin Brothers Hunting Club, matched high bid
16-10N-17W Randy Hyde, matched high bid
1 6 – 2 Ν – 2 Ε
The following timber sales from bid opening on Wednesday, May lOth @2:00 pm were approved by the board. ٠1 6 – 1 Ν – 6 Ε ٠1 6 – 1 Ν – 4 Ε
Mr. Jeffery Walker advised all construction projects were on time and running smoothly.
The following Human Resource Report was approved by the board.
Classified staff recommendations for 2023-2024 school year. (Corrections Child Nutrition.) is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.