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Simpson County Board of Supervisors met Monday, April 4, 2016 at 9:00 am.
February minutes were approved.
Buddy Woolverton, County Engineer gave his report
- Annual Maintenance Inspection is scheduled for May 25th & 26th, 2016.
- LBP-64(20) – Matt Lee Road (Bridge) – received executed contract from State Aid. Will issue notice to process
- STP/BR-0064(22)B – Cox Road – P.S.& E. Assembly mailed to Sate Aid on July 28, 2015 Awaiting Funding.
- SAP-64(17) S – Roads “A” – “F” (Resurfacing) Zion Hill Road; Cooper Road; Siloam Road; Airport Road; Goodwater Road; Hopewell Road; & Jupiter Road – P.S.& E. Assembly was mailed to Sate Aid on March 28, 2016. Need letter stating no hazardous mailboxes in right-of way of these roads.
- SAP-64(63) – Heed-Neely Road (Bridge) – Have started preliminary survey work, and geothechnical boring.
J M Hooker , Road Manager gave his report:
- Road Mangers Monthly report for approval
- Easement/Brenda Walker/Clean out creek so water will flow through culvert.
- Easement/Truitt Barnard/Cut dead tree.
- Easement/William Rankin/Bury dead horse.
Sheriff Donald O’Cain gave the sheriff report:
- Request to move Billy Funchess from part time to full time.
- Hire Full Time Detention Officer John Calhoun.
- Mendenhall Police Department has asked for 4 olds style radios to be donated to them from sheriff office.
- Authorize and close out Jag Grant to collect where 5 computers were purchased .
Ruhel Dickinson, County Administrator, gave his report:
- Approve the certification letter to the Office of Sate Aid Road Construction, Mississippi Department of Transportation, stating that there no hazardous mailboxes on the right-of-way, as of April 4, 2-16, for Project Number SAP-64(17)S – Roads “a” – “f”.
- Approve the application for the City of Magee for a matching grant form the Peal River Basin Development District for completion of the splash pad at the Magee Sportsplex or the relighting of the city park.
- Consider the pest control proposals received on March 15: Approval of Terminix as the lowest bid at $535 per month to spray all of the county building plus $250 per quarter to spray the voting precincts for a total of $7,950 per year. Approval of Interpest, Inc. as the lowest bid for annual termite spraying for the county building at $2,440.00 per year.
- Consider the request to purchase three loads of screened asphalt milling from J & L Enterprise for Skiffer Park Road at $37.80 per yard, approximately 42 yards $1,587.60, to be picked up by the County Dump Truck. Discussing was made and voted to look at Delta Construction in Flowood.
- Declare 4 new :old-style” radios to be surplus and not usable by the Sheriff’s Office and authorize the donation of 2 Motorola Mobile Radios and 2 Motorola Handheld Radios to the City of Mendenhall as requested in accordance with Section 31-7-13(m) (vi).
- Approve the renewal of membership in the National Association of County Administrators for Rhuel Dickinson to represent Simpson County in the amount of $75.00.
- Consider the purchase of a new road-side rotary cutter from Mississippi Ag State Contract Pricing of $16,671.75 for a John Deer CX15 FLX Wing 540 or $13,994.25 for a John Deer CX15 10 Foot Cutter. Voted to purchase the 10 foot cutter.
- Consider the cab protection package for the 2 John Deer Tractor Lease Purchase Tractors.
- Consider the Deed Restriction and Environmental Covenant Agreement for the former Magnetek facility.
- Approve applicable travel, registration, lodging, meals for:
- Kim Jackson to attend the Justice Court Clerks Spring Conference sponsored by the Mississippi Judicial College in Tunica, MS, May 12-14, 2016.
- Rhuel Dickinson, Eric Bowen at $45.00 each and Tommy Joe Harvey at $0 to attend the joint Chancery Clerks and County Administrator/Comptrollers Spring Educational Workshop in Jackson on April 26 & 27, 2016/.
- Authorize the claims and immediate issuance of checks for the following:
- High Ground Solutions, Inc. for the renewal of the Rapid Cast Notification System agreement in the amount of $4,000.00.
- Acknowledge and record in the board minutes:
- As requested, I spoke to Allen Maddox at the Simpson County School District about the condition of driveways for school bus turnarounds prior to approval and that a driveway must be up to standards prior to our acceptance.
- Simpson County Park Commission Financial Report of February 2016.
Bids & Proof of Publication for purchase of (2) new and used single axle dump trucks @10:00 am
Bids & Proof of Publication for purchase of (1) one new & used tandem dump truck @ 10:00 am
Bids & Proof of Publication for purchase of (1) new & used Axle Aluminum live floor refuse transport semi trailer @ 10:00 am.
No further business meeting recessed to go into executive session.