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The foundation is set for the children’s bright educational future.
This state of art facility will not only benefit the children and teachers but the City of Magee and county as well.
A large crowd of people was on hand for the 10:00 a.m. official ribbon cutting and open house of the Magee Elementary School.
The people of Magee have waited for a much needed elementary school.
Hour and hours of hard work, blood, sweat and tears are finally a reality.
The new structure was not possible without the support of our Simpson County School Board and personnel, Simpson County Board of Supervisors, City of Magee Officials, and concerned citizens.
If you have not taken the time to drive by and see the new school, please do. You will not be disappointed.
Magee Elementary Principal, Dr. Lawrence and School Board President Stacey Herrin had the honor of cutting the ribbon. School Board Members and attorney were present for the ribbon cutting, as well as School County personnel, Board of Supervisors, Chamber President and members, Miss Hospitality, City of Magee officials, business representatives, students, school personnel, and supportive citizens to only name a few.