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Dr. Williams joins Magee Police Department as a defensive tactics instructor.

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The Magee Police Department welcomes Officer John “Doc” Williams to the team. Dr. Williams will serve as our department’s defensive tactics instructor. Many officers only receive defensive tactics training once during the police academy and do not pursue further training throughout their careers. However, it is my philosophy and belief that the more we train, the better we serve.
Dr. Williams will provide ongoing training for our entire police department, including our jailers, to enhance their skills, keep them safe, and ensure they can effectively manage resistance while minimizing the risk of excessive force.
The use of force is never pretty, but it is sometimes necessary when a suspect refuses to comply. While most interactions with the public are resolved peacefully, there are always situations where individuals resist, forcing an officer to overcome that resistance. This training will ensure our officers are well prepared to handle such encounters professionally and effectively.
Chief Denis J. Borges is the online news source for Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi

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