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Speaking of our beloved, little town of D’Lo, I borrowed the following photo of the old D’Lo School from our Simpson County Historical and Genealogical Society’s website in order to show it to you in days before it was razed in the early 1950s due to consolidation. Yes, wasn’t it massive? Where else would one find such a magnificent structure outside a large city? Yet, it stood for years right here within these city limits and produced some outstanding graduates. Some of my cousins were among those, proud to report. I wish it could have been saved; however, the town fathers figured the maintenance would be too great for the small number of residents; therefore, it was torn down, and the bricks were sold. Directly across old Highway 49 from the D’Lo School is located the D’Lo Cemetery, where I will one day reside.
The Scriptural passage selected for today is found in Romans 5:5: “Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Whom He has given us.” Oh, what a promise: that God would send a Comforter to us to provide hope, fully realizing that without hope, we are, above all people, most miserable. Please rely on the Holy Spirit for that hope and comfort. He lifts us up above the shadows and sets our feet on solid ground. Amen!