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What Size Cross Do you Bear?

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As you read this weeks devotion let the Holy Sprit truly speak to you. Our devotion this week comes from St. Mark 8:34. And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also he said unto them who so even will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Jesus is telling us put me first in everything you do. Start and end your day with me! Seek the will of Jesus in your life everyday! Let Jesus be your pilot not your co-pilot! Call on Jesus all the time not just when things are bad! Keep the cross on your shoulders and your feet want go astray!

Lay down your cross when you get to heaven and not before! One day soon and very soon it will be worth it all! Keep the Faith! Let the old rugged cross make the difference in your life now and always! Have a victorious and awesome week!

Rev. Richard Kight

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