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What Salvation Offers

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What Salvation Offers

By:  Richard Kight


Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s devotion. Open your heart and let Jesus speak to you.

Our devotion this week comes from Acts 4:12: “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among me, whereby we must be saved.”

Jesus will take you higher than you have ever been! We must realize He  is not a distant, far off God,. He is a God that is right beside us and always right on time! Jesus invites us to come to Him and confidence and receive mercy! Stay rooted and grounded in His Word! Use His sword as your road map to Heaven. Eternal salvation is ours just for asking! The love God must shine through us to a lost and dying world!

Child of God, keep the hunger and thirst for righteousness that we will have! Love our neighbor as he is! We were rescued by a loving and awesome God! After giving our life holy and acceptable unto Jesus, we are filled with the Holy Sprit. Then we take up our cross, follow Jesus and serve Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, body and spirit, and make Heaven our home!InHeaven, there will not be any more pain, sorrow, sickness or death. All the former things of life will pass away. Our name is written in t he Lamb’s Book of Life! The coming of the Lord could be today. Will you be ready? Jesus wants you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!

May this week be your week of victory! Let me hear from you this week! See you at the House! is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.


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