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Two Weeks to Qualify

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Qualification for Mayor and Aldermen is only

2 weeks away.  January 31, 2025, by 5 PM is the deadline.


According to City Clerk Jon Styron, the following have qualified but have not been certified:

Mayor:  Mark Grubbs and Joe Worrell

Aldermen Ward 1:  Alyson Allen Berch and

Duane Simmons


Aldermen Ward 2:  Lawana Thompson

Aldermen Ward 3:  Shane Steele

Alderman Ward 4:  Cortez Chatman, Melinda Green, and Julius Harper

Alderman at Large:  Sue Honea


Long time Ward 4 alderman Patrick Brown has chosen not to run  this year.  Patrick has served the city for approximately 30 years.

Patrick Brown


April 1, 2025:  Primary Election

April 22, 2025:  Primary Run off

June 3, 2025:  General Election


All candidates require certification by the City Clerk before names can be placed on the official ballot. is the online news source for Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi


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