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Thomas Ray Floyd for the Teachers

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I am running for school board representative from District Three because I love Simpson County and our people. I want all our young ones to receive a quality education. I am not satisfied that our schools are rated “C”, and I will not be satisfied until every Simpson County School is rated “A.” Our teachers are the key to achieving success. When I am seated on the board (Lord willing), I will advocate for hiring the most qualified teachers we can find, and only teachers of the highest moral character.

Teachers, Thomas Ray Floyd will back you up. I come from an education family. My Mother was a school teacher. My grandfather and three of his brothers were school teachers. I have had numerous aunts and cousins who have been and are teachers. I know well the responsibilities, challenges, joys, and heartaches of true and faithful school teachers. I want to free our teachers as much as possible from bureaucracy and let you do what you love to do- teach! I commit to pray for you and your students and do all I can to support you.

Teachers- Thomas Ray Floyd is for you!

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