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Tax Accessor’s Office Seeing Citizens by Appointment Only

Simpson County Board of Supervisors

Simpson County Board of Supervisors

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The Simpson County Board of Supervisors discussed traffic flow at the Tax Assessors office during normal business hours and what changes needed to be made during their board meeting Tuesday, March 31, 2020.

For the safety of the employees, the board approved the tax accessor’s office to begin effective immediately operating on an appointment only for outside traffic to help limit access to day to day traffic during COVID-19. Anyone needing help and needs to see the tax assessor are encouraged to call the office at 601-847-1744. Friday the tax assessors office saw approximately 89 customers and approximately 100 customers Monday. The office will remain open and still answer calls, take payments over the phone, and assist the public with any help that is needed. Payments are encouraged to be made via telephone with credit card, check or money order. The courthouse will remain open. All visitors must pass screening before being allowed in the building.

John Killpatrick, Emergency Coordinator, advised  Simpson County still only has two cases of COVID-19 in Simpson County. Killpatrick advised that the numbers for each county may not be the actual number of cases within that county. The numbers are reported according to the address that is located on an individuals driver license. If the driver license has not beeb updated, the possibility of the number of cases being reported could be different for the counties. Killpatrick advised PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is still a need everywhere.

In other business the board approved

Future Board Meeting for April:

Up Coming Holidays: 

A video of meeting is attached below


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