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Supervisors Approved Cannabis Ordiance for the County

Simpson County Board of Supervisors

Simpson County Board of Supervisors

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Richard Rankin and Danny Massey met before the board to update on the planning of the Simpson County Bicentennial Celebration. The committee is seeking a grant for $10,000. The plans are to reach out to the local cities and chambers for help and donations. The committee is working hard on planing and will report back at a later date with updates.

Richard Rankin

Buddy Wolverton, County Engineer, reported the status of State-Aid & LSSBP as of March 31, 2023.

Christian McQueen with McQueen Construction met before the board to answer questions concerning the chip seal on roads in the Fall. Supervisors were concerned with stripping on some areas. McQueen will inspect those roads and see what is needed to repair areas of need. Spring projects will resume as soon as rain holds off a few days and weather permits.

Sheriff Paul Mullins presented the following report for approval.

The board approved an ordinance for Cannabis sales and activity. A permit of $2,500 per activity per year and renewable at $1,500.00 each year.

The February Road Managers report was approved. The board approved the hiring on Dustin Brewer, Jermery Griffin, and James Freeman in the road department. Road Manager Ben Warren stated the hot mix had been an issue with the quality of material. APEC is opening up for business today, April 3, 2023 and hopefully, this will resolve the hot mix issues. Several trees were reported down during the early morning storms on Monday, April 3, 2023. 4 to 5 road suffered tree damage and Hwy 13 was closed early morning for clearing of debris.

Tax Collector Jamie Brewer presented the surrender tags for March and changes to the real and personal property role for 2022.

Charlie Welch updated the board on the following projects.

Simpson County Courthouse window replacement has began. Courts dates were provided to contractor to help with scheduling work and not interfere with court. Welch stated bricks have been laid at the trustee hall and frame work is being completed. Welch advised all camera systems are 100% operational. Welch stated  bids have been received for the back up system at the sheriff’s office. The low bid was $14,620. The board agreed to move forward and to get everything backup with the Sheriff’s office so no important data would be loss.

The meeting entered executive session.

Future Holidays:  

Future Board Meetings:

A video of the meeting is attached for viewing.

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