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Simpson County Supervisors Meeting – December 15, 2023

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The Simpson County Board of Supervisors met on Friday, December 15, 2023. All board members except Brian Kennedy were present for the meeting.

Board President Donny Welch called the meeting to order, and Supervisor Danny Craft opened the meeting in prayer.

County Administrator Rhuel Dickinson made a presentation to the past board presidents Danny Craft, Donny Welch, Randy Moore, and Brian Kennedy, thanking them for their service to Simpson County. Supervisor Mitchell Chatman was recognized as the upcoming 2024 board president.

The board presented Dickinson with a plaque showing their appreciation for his service to the county.

The Board Attorney presented to the Board on behalf of Tim Gray, and Danny Craft made a motion to Acknowledge and Record in the Board Minutes the following Qualifying Statement of Intent for Candidates District for Five, Wanda Bridges and District One, Calvin Edwards.

The Election Commissioner filed in the Circuit Clerk’s Office pending the Certification from the Circuit Clerk, Wit Fortenberry. Randy Moore seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Road Manager, Ben Warren, came before the Board with a few business items. The Road Manager discussed with the Board Members the hot mixing on the roads is drawing near the end due to ground temperatures dropping. The Road Manager requested a workshop meeting after the first of January with incoming Board Members to discuss the equipment in poss­ession of the Road Department.

Assistant Road Manager, Jeremy Bolton, came before the Board with Mr. Garrett from Trans Safe LLC. with a Service Proposal for CDL employees’ Drug & Alcohol Testing, Certificate of Enrollment and related clearinghouse Monitoring at a cost of $2400.00 for one year. Mitchell Chatman made a motion to table the proposal for further review and additional coverages. Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

John Kilpatrick, Emergency Management, came before the Board with items of business. Upon the recommendation of John Kilpatrick, Danny Craft made a motion to approve the Emergency Management Operation Report as of December 15, 2023. Randy Moore seconded the motion with all members present voting yes. John also noted that all 7 Volunteer Fire Departments are back under the Simpson County Fire District. Upon the recommendation of John Kilpatrick, Randy Moore made a motion to approve the lowest quote from Mack Haick for a Demo Ford F-150, never been titled, in the amount of $54,948.00, if the demo is still available and if not, take the second quote from Gray Daniels for Ford F- l 50 in the amount of$58,347.00 The board determined these savings are beneficial to the county. The purchase of this vehicle is made through permitting fees collected by the E911 Office. Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Discussion was held concerning debris cleanup this winter and spring due to the number of dead trees and limbs near and above the road right of way. The Board discussed that a local emergency may need to be declared for the cleanup of fallen trees and limbs. John Kilpatrick will contact the State regarding any contractors who are on the list with the State.

Rhuel Dickinson, County Administrator, came before the Board with several items of business. Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Danny Craft made a motion to Adopt an Order to approve the Claim Docket of December 15, 2023, in the amount of$578,835.06 and the electronic payment claims for VISA for the Board of Supervisors in the amount of$2,852.55 and for the Sheriff in the the amount of$0.00. Mitchell Chatman seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Randy Moore made a motion to authorize the November 2023 Completed Claims Docket to be made a part of the minutes and for the Board President to sign. Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Rhuel Dickinson, Mitchell Chatman made a motion to approve the Financial Reports, Solid Waste Report, and Monthly Credit Card Report for November 2023, as presented by the County Administrator. Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Mitchell Chatman made a motion to renew the State of Emergency for Bridge Repairs. Randy Moore seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Charlie Welch was absent from the meeting.

The County Administrator gave a Courthouse update, and the Latham Company has been given a punch list. Latham has done some roofing repairs.

The Administrator gave an update on the sale of the 2 Kenworth Trucks at JM Wood Auction. Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Mitchell Chatman made a motion to table the consideration of Justice Court Clerk Collection Agent proposals for further information from each proposal. Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Danny Craft made a motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2023 County Fire Compliance Form and the 2023 County Fire Investigator Form. Mitchell Chatman seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Danny Craft made a motion to ratify the appointment of Wade Underwood as Special Public Defender in the case of State of MS vs. Nicholas Brown due to the recusal of Tracy Seghini. Donny Welch seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Randy Moore made a motion to ratify the emergency repair of four heat exchangers in the jail from Upchurch Services for $14,836.00. Mitchell Chatman seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Danny Craft made a motion to approve $250.00 for the Southwest District Livestock Show for the cost of premiums and awards as allowed by Section 69-5-113 of the MS. Code. Randy Moore seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Danny Craft made a motion to approve the purchase of signs at all the county high schools, private and public as requested, to advertise resources of the county. The new 4 ft. x 8 ft. sign at Mendenhall High School Baseball field is $200.00 from the Mendenhall High School Diamond Club. Mitchell Chatman seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Danny Craft made a motion to approve applicable travel, meals, lodging, registration, and mileage expenses for Joyce Hicks, Justice Court Clerk, to attend the Miss. Justice Court Clerks’ Mid-Winter Conf. in Natchez February 7-9, 2024. Donny Welch seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Randy Moore made a motion to authorize the claims and immediate issuance of checks for the following: Traxler Construction for Pay order #10 $28,649.72 for the Trustee Hall Project from ARPA Funds. Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Upon the recommendation of Dickinson, Mitchell Chatman made a motion to Acknowledge and Record in the Board Minutes:

Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

Danny Craft recognized Randy Moore, District 5 Supervisor who is retiring on December 31, 2023, for his service to the County and thanked him for his guidance when Mr. Craft was elected.

Mitchell Chatman made a motion to go into Executive Session to determine the need for an Executive Session. Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.

After the board ended the executive session, County Administrator Rhuel Dickinson discussed with the Board the different points concerning the Solid Waste Cost Increase on garbage fees. With no further business to come before the Board, Randy Moore made a motion to recess the meeting until Friday, December 22, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.  Danny Craft seconded the motion with all members present voting yes.


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