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Simpson County Board of Supervisors Meeting

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Simpson County Board of Supervisors Meeting Agenda

October 3, 2016

  1. Approve September Minutes
  2. Buddy Wolverton / County Engineer
    1. Simpson County Status of State-Aid, Federal-Aid, & LSBP Projects as of September 30, 2016
      1. LSBP – 64(20) – Matt Lee Road (Bridge)
        1. 90+-% Complete
        2. 90+-% Elapse Time
        3. Contractor has completed bridge and approaches
      2. STP/BR -0064(22)B – Cox Road
        1. P.S. & E. Assembly mailed to State Aid on July 28, 2015
        2. Awaiting funding
      3. SAP-64(17)S – Roads “A” – “F” (Resurfacing) Zion Hill Rd; Cooper Rd; Siloam Rd; Airport Rd; Goodwater Rd; Hopwell Rd; and Jupiter Rd
        1. 85+-% Complete
        2. 65+-% Elapsed Time
        3. Contractor has completed base repairs, leveling and Slurry Seal operations. Will stripe roadways soon.
      4. SAP-64(63) – Heed-Neely Road (Bridge)
        1. Office review plans were received from state aid on July 1, 2016. Environmental review underway.
  3. Ben Warren / Road Manager
    1. Road managers monthly report
    2. Easement / Sara Stout / Water Drainage
  4. Donald O’Cain / Sheriff
    1. Hire a part-time attention officer
  5. Charles Baldwin / Tax Assessor – Collector
    1. Surrendered tags list for month of September
    2. MHCA Conference (travel and board)
  6. Tommy Joe Harvey / Chancery Clerk
    1. Order establishing court terms for 2017
  7. Rhuel Dickerson / County Administrator
    1. Approve the annual membership dues for the Supervisors and Staff membership in the Mississippi Association of Supervisors in the total amount of $2,125.
    2. Acknowledge and record in the Board minutes:
      1. Simpson County Park Commission Financial report for August 31, 2016.
      2. Justice Court orders appointing Wendall James as Special Prosecutor in the case of State of Miss. V. Barnes, Louie Sam and the case of State of Miss. V. Jessica Coker, both due to the recusal of Wesley Broadhead, County Prosecuting Attorney.
      3. Notice State Aid Budget Reductions for Fiscal Year 2017.
  8. Danny Welch / County Attorney
  9. Other Business
  10. Recess

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