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Simpson County Board of Supervisor’s Meeting 5-15-2015

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Simpson County Board of Supervisors Meeting May 15, 2015

J.M. Hooker presented the Road Report.

Tommy Joe Harvey reported that Fontaine McNair, agreed to be the Revolving Loan Officer/ CMPDD.   Discussion of the relocation of water line on the Cox Road Bridge.

Rhuel Dickinson, County Administrator presented the following report:

County Administrator Board Authorizations for Friday, May 15, 2015, Board Meeting.

1. Adopt an Order to approve the Claims Docket of May 15, 2015, in the amount of $1,139,750.75 and the electronic payment claim for VISA in the amount of $0.00.

2. Authorize the April 2015 Completed Claims Docket to made a part of the minutes and for the Board President to sign.

3. Approve the Financial Reports and Solid Waste Reports for the Month of April 2015, as presented by the County Administrator.

4. Approve the application of ta Help American Vote Grant from the  Secretary of State’s Office to pay for the Fire State 7 Substation voting precienct  access project for disabled voters in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

5. Approve holding the Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal event for Simpson County citizens on June 13, 2015, and contracting with Complete Environmental and Remediation Co. (Same company as late year) for the event in accordance with the MDEQ Solid Waste Assistance Grant agreement SWC448.  It was agreed that the public could bring old Prescription Drug to disburse of.  These drugs will be turned over to the DEA.

6. Approve the contract with Delta Computer Systems for software at $875.00 and maintenance at $25.00 per month for the Justice Court AOC Report Extract Software to provide detailed information required by the Administrative Office of Courts.

7. Appointment to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Local Workforce Bard due to changes in Federal Law (the current appointee is Nick Floyd).

8. Approve the damage claim of William Holmes at 151 Joseph Crawford Road, in the amount of $54.03 for excess water bill due to a county truck breaking the waterline.

9. Consider the claim of Keys Cattle Co. (Clifton Keys) in the amount of $411.57 for catching, hauling and burying a loose cow on April 19, 2015, near Hwy 28, Hwy 541 and Hwy 545.   This was tabled until Larry Walker speaks to Mr. Keys regarding coming down on the price.

10. Consider the roads to be submitted for the Federal Tiger Grant for road improvements.

11. Authorize Justin Bynum  to take a county truck home each night for emergency call out purposes while Road Foreman, jimmy James, is out on leave.

12. Acknowledge and Record in the Board Minutes:

A. MEMA per-incident approval of emergency debris management sites – Magee site – Goodwater Road and Mendenhall site – Hwy 13.

B. Notice of the County Engineer to W.E. Blain & Sons, Inc, of necessary repairs to roads under contract for the County-Wide Slurry Seal 2014 Project, Roads “A” – “GGG”.

C. Notice of FEMA approval of the District 5 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and Final Review.

D. D’Lo Water Park Daily Recap report for April 2015.


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