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1. Approve January minutes
2. Buddy Wolverton / County Engineer
3. J.M. Hooker / Road Manager
A. Road Managers monthly report
B. School Bus Turn-around
C. Easement / Wayne Stubbs / Ditch dirt
D. Easement / John Bush / Clear row debris
E. Easement / Jessica McCrory / Bury dead horse
F. Annual maintenance inspection report for the year 2015
G. Schedule annual maintenance inspection as required by state law on Wed. May 25th and Thursday, May 26, 2016. Meet at chancery building at 8:30 A.M. each day.
4. Simpson County Historical Society
A. Asked for additional space in the Miller Building (formerly occupied by the Youth Court)
5. Bids and proof of publication @10 A.M. for negotiable note for new roof on chancery court building
6. Donald O’Cain / Sheriff
A. Eric Chatman – Part time hire
B. 2 vehicles not in use – donate to the D’Lo Water Park
C. Use a $5,000 grant to purchase 5 new computers for $4,990
D. Use Sheriff’s Department allocated money from the Department of Public Safety budget to purchase hand held radios
7. Charles Baldwin / Tax Assessor – Collector
8. Tommy Joe Harvey / Chancery Clerk
A. Certificate of Attendance for Circuit Clerk, Steve Womack to attend the Circuit Clerk’s Conference January 13 – 15, 2016
B. Board an Commissions / Appointments
9. Rhuel Dickerson / County Administrator
A. Mike Monk – Central Mississippi Planning and Development District
B. Approval of the Certification of the Board of Supervisors’ annual jail inspection
C. Approval of the Certification of the Board of Supervisors’ annual road and bridge inspection
D. Consider the lease purchase of the Caterpillar 930H wheel loader: The final payment of $67,000 is due 2-26-2016. Should we refinance, sell, or exercise the buyback?
E. Consider the offer of Billy Martin to sell the building and three acres of land on Highway 49 just south of the Jr. Livestock Arena Building for county purposes
F. Authorize a proclamation of appreciation to the Macedonia Baptist Church in recognition of its 175th Anniversary
G. Approve applicable travel, registration, lodging, and meals for :
- Curtis Skiffer to attend the Miss. Assn. of Supervisors Minority Caucus annual education conference in Pascagoula, MS April 19 -21, 2016.
- County Election Commissioners to attend the 2016 County Election Commission Certification, Make-up session February 16 – 17, 2016, in Jackson, MS.
H. Authorize the claims and immediate issuance of checks for the following:
- North Simpson County Gravel Company for December gravel purchases in the amount of $5,112.00.
I. Acknowledge and record in the Board minutes:
- Simpson County Park Commission accounting report for December 31, 2015
- Mississippi Tort Claims Board Certificate of Coverage for 2016
- State Aid Road Construction and Local System Bridge Project (LSBP) board term revenue projection for the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2019
- Consider matters regarding the issuance of negotiable notes in accordance with Sections 17 – 21 – 51/55.
10. Danny Welch / County Attorney
11. No Other Business
12. Recess to go into executive session