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Simpson County Board of Supervisors December 16, 2024

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The December 16, 2024, Simpson County Board of Supervisors was called to order by President Mitchell Chatman. 

Supervisors Danny Craft led in prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Chancer Clerk Tim Gray presented two proofs of publication to be entered in the minutes.

Tax Assessor Jamie Brewer presented two employees for approval to attend a class in filling.  The motion passed.

The surrender tags list for November was presented along with changes to real and personal rolls.  Mrs. Brewer

requested an executive session following the regular meeting. Sheriff Mullins asked for Garrett Graves to receive

schooling for certified dog handling class.  The motion was approved.

Sheriff Paul Mullins presented the following Sheriff’s agenda for December 16, 2024.

Emergency Management director John Kilpatrick reported 9 vehicle fire and 6 structure fires for the month of November.  $3,700 in permit fees was collected.

According to Kilpatrick, two companies presented bids for fiber and updated on E911 equipment —the next generation of 911.  AT&T submitted the winning big.

The service plan is for 5 years.  No upfront money for equipment is needed by At&T.  The cost per month will be $4,116.  A motion was made to move forward.

Kilpatrick informed the board construction on the Strong River bridge will not begin for at least 8 months due to environmental studies required by the government.

Members of the Board discussed the wear and tear on the county roads with the needed detours.  MDOT will not post the detour signs only road closed.  This

responsibility is falling on the county although the county did not created the situation.  The MDOT position causes problems for the sheriff department.

“I ain’t got time for this,” stated Sheriff Mullins.  “The burden is being placed on the Sheriff Department,” added Mullins.

County administrator Eric Bowens gave the following report:

Jeremy Bolton, acting county road manager, discussed a soil stabilizer on H. B. Smith road, transmission repairs, and Harrisville Braxton Road box culvert.

The meeting was adjourned to an Executive session. is the online news source for Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the  State of Mississippi.

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