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Sally Doty Candidate for US Congress

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Sally Doty came by on Wednesday for a visit and opportunity to promote her candidacy for the US House of Representatives District 3.  I met Sally 6 years ago when she ran for the MS Senate.  I heard another woman has qualified to run for the position, but no official notice has been given.  At this time, Michael Guest, Whit Hughes, Perry Parker, Morgan Dunn and Sally Doty have qualified to run for the position.

(Sue the prez)


Sally Doty “As a conservative with a proven record of results in the Mississippi senate, I’m running for Congress to help enact President Trump’s vision for a stronger America where our families can grow and prosper.”

Republican member of the Mississippi Senate representing the 39th District since 2012.

Sally is an Attorney from Brookhaven, and she is running for the position held by Gregg Harper (3rd District US Congress Seat).

If elected, Doty would be the first female in Congress for the state of Mississippi.

Senator Doty has received an “A” rating during each year of her service from BIPE (Business and Industry Political Education Committee). During the 2017 Legislative Session she was instrumental in the passage of Campaign Finance Reform and long needed revisions to the Mississippi Election Code.

Senator Doty serves as the Chair of the Senate Elections Committee and Vic-Chair of Judiciary A Committee. She also serves on the Finance, Public Health, Public Property and Highways and Transportation Committees. Senator Doty is a valuable part of the leadership team in Senate, and was appointed by the Lt. Governor to serve as one of 5 senators on the Joint Legislative Budget Committee. Much of her work has focused on efforts to lower the rate of teen and unplanned pregnancy in Mississippi.Additionally, she has led efforts to pass legislation to protect victims of domestic violence.

Doty Will:



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