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DA Chris Hennis Sentences Richard Allen Gosser

Chris Hennis 13th District Attorney

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Richard Allen Gosser Sentencing


Richard Allen Gosser, 50, pled guilty to two Counts of Sexual Battery of a Minor While in a Position of Trust on April 15, 2021, at the Smith County Courthouse. Judge Stanley Sorey sentenced Mr. Gosser to sixty years in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Corrections, with twenty-five (25) years to serve day for day. District Attorney Chris Hennis stated: “Our children are the most vulnerable members of our society and we have an obligation to protect our youngest citizens from abuse, whether it be mental, physical or sexual abuse. Those who abuse children will be held accountable in the 13th Circuit Court District.

Due to the nature of his crime, Mr. Gosser will have to serve every day of his twenty-five year sentence and will not be released from custody until he is seventy-five (75) years old. This lengthy sentence will protect the children in our community. I appreciate the work of the Smith County Sheriff’s Department who investigated this case.” is an online news site serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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