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Promises Made, Promises Kept. Over the last four years, I have had the Honor and Privilege to serve as your District Attorney. During that time, my office has worked closely with law enforcement officials from Covington, Jasper, Simpson, and Smith counties to ensure those who commit crimes are punished. I understand that protecting each and every person in my district from criminals is my number one priority.
I recognize that the criminal justice system is often judged by the sentences serve not only to punish criminals for their crimes, but also serve as deterrents for criminals to stay out of Covington, Jasper, Simpson and Smith counties. The sentences we impose, along with seeing that cases are quickly moved through the criminal justice system are critical to the safety of residents of Covington, Jasper, Simpson, and Smith counties.
During my first four years in office, we closed 1,518 cause numbers (indictments) and had over 97% conviction rating as calculated by the Mississippi Prosecutor’s Association.
I am very grateful for what we have accomplished since I took office in 2010. We have worked hard to alleviate the backlog of cases and to increase the number of convictions through both guilty pleas and jury trials. Because I have such confidence in the people that work for me, I have asked Judge Eddie H. Bowen to enter an order giving my office 45 days to complete discovery and plea offers after the defendants have been indicted. It is a test that I relish. Qick and efficient justice is what i long to see in the 13th Circuit Court District.
I believe that technology is an advantage when it comes to fighting crime. Therefore, I insisted upon installing a C.R.I.M.E.S. Computer System which allows my office to review our cases and cases through the State of Mississippi.
Each legislator who represents any part of my district will tell you that I worried them beyond measure to the need for an additional assistant District Attorney. I was convinced we needed a new assistant district attorney to help prosecute the criminals in the 13th Circuit, and we now have that new assistant district attorney.
I had always dreamed of a “Safe Kids, Safe Streets” program for our district. The “Safe Kids, Safe Streets” project is a joint effort between the District Attorney’s Office, Law enforcement, schools and our community sponsors. The goal of “Safe Kids, Safe Streets” is to keep our children safe, educate our children about the dangers of drugs, and protect our children from crime. I take this responsibility very seriously and we must work together as a community to ensure the safety and well being of our children. I am very thankful to our sponsors for all of their support.
The District Attorney’s Bad Check Unit has worked diligently to track down and prosecute criminals who stole from our businesses. Since I have been in office, we have recovered $937,367.27 in bad checks and fees.
We have a Pre-Trial Intervention Program for first-time-non-violent offenders: we believe in second chances for individuals who have not committed violent crimes. I believe that offering young people a second chance may very well save their lives and make them into productive citizens of our society.
I also “dreamed of a Drug Court” for our district.and while I cannot take all of the credit for the Drug Court. I did my part, Judge Bowen has assembled an excellent team which provides much needed services to its participants, and he continues to do a great job in handling the Drug Court and its participants. This district is very fortunate to have Judge Bowen.
In 2012, my office launched a public service campaign, DA–Think Again Campaign, designed to warn would-be criminals of the consequences of their crimes. Our campaign focused on the offenses of armed robbery and felony false pretense. We have placed information at local businesses throughout the district warning people of the jail time they may receive if they use a weapon in the commission of a robbery or if they attempt to defraud the business by writing bad checks.
As your District Attorney, I have done just about everything from “Kissin the Pig” to speaking at all types of events and churches. My leadership style is one where I lead by example, my actions speak louder than words. I try cases, do guilty pleas, revocations and conduct the grand jury, but I really love serving people. I always think of Nehemiah 3:1, where the leaders not only led the people, but worked alongside them to rebuild the wall. True leaders not only lead by word, but most importantly, by their actions and they do not compromise their beliefs for anyone. What you see is what you get with me, nothing more, and nothing less.
Proverbs 12:3 says “wickedness never brings stability, but the godly have deep roots.” I do not compromise my beliefs for judges, lawyers, defendants, employees, or any one else. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. As a public servant I am not above the law and neither are my employees. In fact, it is my belief that public servants should be held to a higher standard. In that same vein, I hold my employees to the same high standards that I hold myself to and expect them to conduct themselves accordingly. Those who fail to meet those ethical and moral standards are no longer employed by me, for they lack integrity.
If you have contacted me then you know that I have always returned your call and do my best to help you, if it is legal and ethical because I established an open door policy. I am always telling my staff that we will do our very best we can do and ultimately we must let God fight our battles for us. Therefore, I am not above doing what is necessary to serve my constituents.
I am therefore humbly asking for your continued support, prayers, and vote. With you support, I will continue to work hard on your behalf and seek to do the right thing on each and every case. Remember, it’s hard to politick while prosecuting criminals.
Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and vote.
Daniel C. Jones