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Raven Ferguson Admitted to MSMS

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The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science is pleased to announce that the Class of 2017 has been selected, and the following student from your area has been admitted into the highly selective school.

Raven Ferguson, of Monticello, is the daughter of Melvin and Kristi Pittman of Monticello and Etoya and Lekisha Traxler of Magee. She is the granddaughter of Nancy Bryant of Magee. She currently attends Lawrence County High School.

This student vied with more than 200 other Mississippi sophomores for the 115 slots available for the MSMS Class of 2017. Each student underwent a rigorous application process, which involved writing essays, submitting resumes, securing letters of recommendation, and submitting an original math or science project. Students’ grades and ACT scores were also taken into consideration during the application phase. The Class of 2017 has an average incoming ACT score of more than 26.

For more than 25 years, the Mississippi School for Mathematics has existed as the state’s only public, residential high school specifically designed to meet the needs of the Magnolia State’s most academically gifted students. Located on the Mississippi University for Women’s campus in Columbus, Miss., MSMS plays host to students during their junior and senior years of high school. MSMS students live and work on campus with other talented students from all corners of the state of Mississippi. Currently, students from more than 50 different counties make up the population of MSMS. The newly selected class of 2017 alone represents more than 50 Mississippi counties. Last year, MSMS students were offered more than $20 million in scholarship dollars from colleges and universities all over the world. The Daily Beast has named MSMS one of the top 100 high schools in the United States.

Raven Ferguson, of Monticello,


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