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Only 55.8% Have Completed Census for Magee

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With the end date of completing the census scheduled for September 30th, the citizens of Magee have only a month to be counted!

I feel as if I’ve written about the importance of the census a zillion times and here goes one more time!  The census count effects congressional representation, federal funding, and grants.  Personally, I think we probably have 5,000 people living in Magee.  5,000 is almost a magic number for programs we would be eligible.  Presently, our city count is about 4,500.

Before COVID-19, the census committee of Magee, headed by Chris Lane, was moving forward with plans to canvas our city with personal contact.  As you know, social distancing ended all of that.

Now, we need everyone in Magee to step up and step…complete your census and be sure your neighbor has completed the census.

The census can be complete online

Forms are available at City Hall.

I am attaching one more time the video of  former

Mayor Jimmy Clyde explaining what the census does for our city.

Please help with the project.  A census is only taken every decade…meaning we will not count again until 2030! is an online news source covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.


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