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Night of Laughs

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My Bonco group has been together for many many years now…I would say we are getting close to 20…but not sure. We now have to paint the 6s red on the dice so we can see them…we have to scream “read, set, go” so everyone will understand it is playing time not talking time. In the beginning, we played for money…yes we gambled! High scorer, low scorer, most broncos on and on…several years ago we decided to quit taking the money for ourselves but to give to someone in need. (Sometimes, I think this made us feel better about gambling!)…so we allowed our bonco to become a mission in helping others….having said all of this…..I’m really not even “talking” about this….what I want to say is …we just have the best time!  One thing for sure, we are not gamblers…we’re just ramblers having fun!

Tonight we played at Jane Everett’s home…no men allowed so Bob was sent off to the Sportsplex to be a missionary at the ball field!

Again, in the beginning…we got to wear a crown if we boncoed …but the crown soon got heavy for us young ladies….but tonight Jane had a surprise …a Mexican style hat to go along with her Mexican supper… isn’t Tawesia Meador just the cutest thing you’ve seen all week! That wild child was almost the bonco queen…and she never wanted to give up this “crown!”

Life is short…laugh and love…enjoy the ones you’re with…and wear a crown any day you desire! Here’s to you Tawesia…..always fun…always smiling…and always “ready, set, go”…Love these bonco girls!


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