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Move up, Mississippi! It’s time for school choice in our state! By Douglas Carswell

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Education is the number one thing we need to improve in Mississippi.

That’s why MCPP just launched “Move Up, Mississippi”, a campaign aimed at changing our education system for the better.

Mississippi education is only going to improve if we accept the truth about how things really are:


Rather than getting better, the rate of chronic absenteeism in Mississippi schools has got worse.

In 2022-23, over 100,000 students regularly skipped school, up from 70,000 in 2016-17.

So, what’s the solution?

What we need is school choice.  Mississippi is now surrounded by states that have school choice.  It is transforming education for the better.  Let’s not get left behind…..


School Choice would mean every family gets to decide where their share of the state education budget is spent.  It would mean that the values being taught in your child’s classroom would have to align with the values of Mississippi families.

To find out what school choice would mean for you and your family, visit


Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have done more to improve education in 12 months than Mississippi has achieved in 12 years.  Sign up and join our movement if you believe it is time to change that!


Douglas Carswell is the President and CEO of the Mississippi Center for Public Policy is the online news source for Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the state of Mississippi.


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