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Morgan Dunn Announces Candidacy

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Morgan Dunn, candidate for US House of Representatives District 3, made a formal announcement of her candidacy at The Vault Monday night, January 29th in Magee.

Morgan, with her family and friends, told of her intent to seek the position to be vacated by Gregg Harper.

Morgan emphasized her experience in rural health care as the basic for her decision to seek the office. Morgan has years of experience even on the federal level with rural health care.

See video for complete speech.

Pictures from the Launch Party!

Chris Dunn and Brandon Hubbard

Suzanne Grubbs and Donna Dunn

Charlie Hudson, Joe Smith and Mallory Yelverton

Joe and Leigh Worrell

Allison, Shawn Cooper, Dianne McPhail and Mike Davis

Dennis Ammann and Danny Mosley

Dewayne and Kathy Pittmam, Chaucer and Tanya Funchess

Brain Barnard

Sassi Southern Catering

Flowers by The Pollen Florist

Chris and Jamie Craft

Ian Coward and Skippy Russell

Louise Windham and Donna Dunn

David and Michael Dunn

Kim McNulty and grandchildren

Louise, Ava, Sawyer, Wood, Chris, Donna, Matthew, Michael, David, Wynn, and Windham Twins








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