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MEMA Form to Distribute to Small Businesses

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MEMA is gathering information on the economic loss to small businesses throughout the state as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are collecting this information so that Mississippi may request an Economic Injury Declaration from the Small Business Administration to aid in the economic loss suffered as a result of the COVID-19 event.

Attached are two documents. First is the actual worksheet. Second is an instruct sheet. Please disseminate this worksheet and instructions to any small business within your respective counties that may have suffered economic hardship as a result of the response efforts of the COVID-19 event. After business owners complete these worksheets, they can submit them directly to the MEMA State Coordinating Officer Todd DeMuth, for inclusion into the SBA declaration request.

There is a deadline of April 1, 2020 to have forms submitted to Todd at MEMA


4/10 – Updated to not include Required fields, Date form completed is set to user input, and print form button is hidden.
4/10 – Updated to not include Required fields, Date form completed is set to user input, and print form button is hidden.
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