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MDOT installs signs in conjunction with minor crash safety law

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JACKSON, MISS. – The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) is installing new traffic signs across the state. HB 811, signed into law July of 2021, requires the operator of a motor vehicle that is involved in a crash without serious injury or death, to move their vehicle out of traffic to minimize interference with traffic, provided the vehicle can be safely driven to the shoulder of the roadway or other suitable location.

“Damaged vehicles left in roadways create safety hazards,” said Representative Gene Newman who helped author the bill. “When there are no injuries and the vehicle is still in working condition, it just makes sense to move it out of traffic for everyone’s safety, the motorists, the traveling public and the responding officers.”

Please look out for MDOT maintenance workers as they install these signs along highways in the state, and move over, if possible, to give them a safe working space.

For more information about these or other MDOT maintenance and construction projects, visit, download the free MDOT Traffic mobile app or like and follow @MississippiDOT on Facebook and Twitter. is an online news website covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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