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Martha Mangum Holland Completes Pediatric Dental Residency

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Martha Magee Mangum Holland, formerly of Magee,  recently completed a two year pediatric dental residency at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia. While attending VCU, Dr. Holland also earned her Masters of Science in Dentistry, and she was chosen to serve as Chief Resident of the program during her second year.

Martha was a 2006 graduate of Simpson Academy and a 2010 graduate of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College at the University of  Mississippi. She received her Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree from The University of Mississippi School of Dentistry in 2015.

Martha and her husband, Eric, will be moving to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she will be in private practice and Eric will be completing a fellowship in Cardiovascular Medicine at The University of North Carolina.

Martha is the daughter of Stacy and Stanley Mangum of Jackson and formerly of Magee.  She is also the granddaughter of the late Cleda and Willis Magee and the late L.T. and Christine Mangum.

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