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Making Simpson County an ACT Work Ready Community

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A seminar sponsored by Co-Lin Community College and Simpson County Develop Foundation was held Wednesday, May 31st at the Co-Lin Simpson Center. Area businesses and school personnel attended the event.

A presentation was given by Angela Berch and Kenny Goza of Co-Lin’s Technical and Workforce Education programs on the importance of the ACT Work Ready Community.

ACT Work Ready Communities (WRC) empowers states, regions and counties with data, process and tools that drive economic growth. Participants are leveraging the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC™) to measure and close the skills gap — and building common frameworks that link, align and match their workforce development efforts.

Several counties in Mississippi are participating in the WRC program. Co-Lin’s goal is to get all seven counties in their district Work Ready Communities.

We all have a stake in making
our country more competitive and
closing the skills gap that threatens
to paralyze our economy.
Change starts at the grassroots level by providing
a community-based framework that:

Links workforce development to education

Aligns with the economic development needs of commutes, regions, and states
Matches Individuals to jobs based on skill levels

The foundation of a community’s certification is based
at the county level—across the current, transitioning,
and emerging workforce—on individuals earning
and employers recognizing the ACT National Career
Readiness Certificate

Additional information concerning this program will be published as the program takes root.  (click here for more details)

Pictured: Doris Adcox, Executive Director of the Magee Chamber of Commerce, Donnie Caughman, Director of the Simpson County Development Foundation, Angela Berch, Co-Lin, Kenny Goza, Co-lin, Dr. Dwyane Milton, President of Simpson County Co-Lin, and Evelyn Copeland, executive committee of the Simpson County Development Foundation. Area mayors, business and school personal were in attendance.


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