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Magee Board of Aldermen Met 3/3/15

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The Magee Board of Aldermen Meeting was called to order by Mayor Jimmy Clyde at 6:30pm on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.  Alderman Lane Steele opened in prayer after the Pledge of Allegiance.

In Unfinished business:

a.  The minutes from previous meeting were approved by the board.

b.  The Michael Ingram Development Foundation business will be rescheduled.

c.  Airport Project Engineering invoice in the amount of $1700.00 was approved.

d.  Airport Project Payment no. 1 fuel farm in the amount of $93,358.84 was approved.

e.  Twyla Grant, Magee City Clerk,  spoke briefly concerning the DUI authorization to apply for the 2016 grant in the amount of $119,000.00.  She stated that now is the time to apply for this grant.  The board approved to move forward in applying for this grant.

f.  Airport project payment no. 1 to Sullivan Enterprises in the amount of $17,732.00 was also approved by the board.


The following is New Business from the meeting:

a.  The claims docket was approved with no questions.

b. In Police matters, Chief Randy Crawford requested:

Officer Landon Ates be moved from part time to full time officer.  Board approved.

 Two part time officers be removed from the part time roster.  Board approved.

Certified Police Officers, Jamie Foster and Shane Little, be approved as part time officer.  Board approved.

Part Time Dispatchers pay be increased from $8.66  to  $10.00/hour.   Board approved.

$8,000.00 be transferred from the special account money to be used in the addition to the already budgeted money for a new police car.   Board approved.

c.  There was no fire department or public works matters to discuss.

d.  More work to be done on the Healthcare Zone Medical Overlay District … it is still in progress.

e.  Request for a car show at McNair Springs… board members discussed and agreed to have the city attorney direct them in this matter.  Some concerns were liability, gate fee, etc.

f. Alderman Dale Berry spoke concerning handicapped parking.  A new retired Magee resident,  Mr. Keith Coleman is concerned about the non-handicapped people parking in the handicapped parking spaces in town.  Mr. Coleman wanted to be considered to be hired on contract basis to write tickets for non compliant drivers.  This brought up many concerns from board members.  The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will speak to City Attorney, Bruce Smith, concerning this.

g.  David Dunn presented an amendment to the policies for the recreation park to the board.  Mr. Dunn stated the policies had not been amended in a while and some needed clarification and more detail.  Board Approved. The board also had some questions for possible further amendments with one being firearms and firearm signage at the complex once they speak to city attorney.

h.  The board had no emergency matters.

The board was recessed until March 17th.




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