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Magee Board of Alderman 9/17/19 Meeting

Magee Board of Aldermen

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The Magee Board of Aldermen met Tuesday, September 16, 2019.

The board approved the minutes from the last meeting, as well as the claims docket.

The board approved to inforce a curfew at the YMCA walking track. The track will be closed from 10:30 p.m. – 5:30 a.m. each day. No walkers or citizens will be allowed on the premises during these hours.

The board approved an alcohol permit for GW and Jo’s Café in Magee.

Bruce Lewis is donating shrubs to be added to the Flagpole that is located on Hwy 49. Veteran’s Day a dedication will be held to honor all veterans at the Flag Pole area. Flagpoles of each branch of the military are being added to the area the large flag is located. There will not be a Veteran’s Day Parade this year due to the dedication ceremony at the flagpole memorial site.

The board amended the 2019 budget by $6600.00 due to higher water and utility usage bills.

Friday, September 20, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. the contractors and engineers working on the airport project will meet at City Hall to discuss any concerns with airport.

In the parks and recreation department approval was granted for Daniel Decker to take a city vehicle home during weekend tournaments. Use of the vehicle will allow Decker to transport prisoners back and forth that are working during tournaments. Allowing Decker to use the vehicle will eliminate an overtime-paid employee that the city has been paying.

The board approved the water loss reports for the city.

Permission was grantee for building Inspector Joe Worrell to attend the Winter Conference in Oxford, Ms. Date of the conference is December 4-6. The cost will be fees for conference and hotel expense.

With no further business meeting was adjourned.


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