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Let’s Play Games—We’ve Got a Winner

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Congratulations to Cathy Puttman for guessing the change I made for a few days:  4 Sunz’s logo on softball and baseball pictures!

Cathy is the winner of a Mooie Looie t-shirt!



Ya’ll know how I enjoy playing games and just trying different things on the website….so listen up


Be the first to discover something different that has been added to the site….it could be a story, picture, advertisement, tab, etc.


Be the first to discover the change!


The winner will receive a Mooie Looie T-shirt.


Notify us by commenting on THIS story through


Comments on Face Book will not count!  You must comment on this story on the site!


Clue 1:  There’s a change   Clue 2:  It’s all about ball  Clue 3:  It’s on the home page


Ready, Set, Go


If no one wins, a second clue will be posted Wednesday morning on this same story (article)


The race is on……..

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