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Just Saying…I feel like I’ve been Sworn In!!!

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I’m just saying the Simpson County Courthouse was packed for the swearing in ceremony of local officials.

Each official was issued the oath separately. Judge Eddie Bowen conducted the ceremony.

The gallery was filled with family and supporters …who had worked hard to see their “man” in the spotlight.

As I listened to the men we had elected…and some appointed…swear to uphold the duties of their office…I thought…will this be a year of change…change for the good…will this be the year of continued growth??? What does this year hold? Of course, none of us can say what will happen…but the feeling of hope among the citizens in attendance was contagious. I watched these men swear to do their job, swear to uphold the law, swear to work for the people’s betterment. I have hope we will see major changes in 2016. Fresh eyes…fresh faces is usually a good thing…the depth of dedication was visible on their faces…I just pray each of these officials remember and take to heart what they swore in front of “their” people. We need dedicated men and women who are willing to step up to the plate, no matter how unpleasant at times, and do their job!

Sheriff Donald O’Cain took office and began work! He is now the sheriff…no waiting until January 1st for this man. Will we see a visibility of our sheriff all over the county? Will we see deputies “all over” the roads of our county? Will we see an active effort to control the evils of our county? I believe we will! I have much hope for 2016. Richard Harper was appointed and sworn in as the Under Sheriff…the #2 man at the SO. Richard certainly has the experience.

Our Board of Supervisors took an oath to spend our money wisely. We’ll see…I believe these men care about the people of their district and the entire county. We have so many needs in Simpson County. Our roads and bridges need HELP! Our schools need help…we are a county with not a lot of money but a lot of needs. These men will be put to a test…and I hope they pass.

For a “full view” of the swearing in ceremony, watch the video on the Home page of (near the bottom) and available on articles about the swearing in.

Talking about pictures…I’m just saying, we’ve got the pictures…so many that we wrote three different articles to show our stuff….You can view the ceremony through pictures.

What do you expect from the elected officials? Let me know…send ideas and comments to

I’m just saying, I hope you have a wonderful New Year…the excitement of a field of days untouched lies before you…make the most of each day…and most of all…remember to tell the people you love…that you love them! I think this year brought more “sudden” deaths than any year I can remember. Time is not always on our side…don’t waste a day living life!

My best to each of you …thank you for your loyalty to and your continued suggestions and support. Truly, without YOU, I could not go forward with this project always in the works… will be celebrating 10 years of operation in the spring! I can’t even began to wrap my head around the fact I’ve been picking at the computer keys for 10 years!!! Help me think of ways to celebrate…you know I’m all about a party!!! Send suggestions to

Just saying…be safe and enjoy the last day of 2015.




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